The Golden Light Of Transformation * Christ- Light

Zao Woo-Ki

                                              "The Golden Light of the Transformation"
Christ Light

At first glance, it seems that we are going through a time of misery, a contant failure of our morals and values, political disorder and deep personal inner division. The majority of people resent for their economic poverty,  low standard of living, and their dreams that fade into insecurity and fear. At the other hand there is the other edge, the scientific progress, the wider industry of art which produce and flourishes continuously, the technological evolution, the incessant production and consumption that makes society look like a huge melting pot. All these and many other paradigms make the contrasts seem paradoxical and transcendental and give the feeling that balance has totally been lost. But has she really been lost? Or the path that we have take back to her, is just a little bit weird?

When I was a child I believed that there is a superior balance of strength and pure love that pulls the strings in all the worlds, and that, was my crutch to the "injustices" and the enormous imbalances of life. Growing up, this feeling became even stronger and today for me it is an internal truth. I perceive the contradictions of life as a manifestation of light and darkness. I cosider these primary cosmic energies, their balance and their imbalance within people and society, as necessary and as a mean to achieve the necessary reflections, socially and personally. Isn't the light through reflection dissipated with more strength and momentum? What is hidden will be revealed and what is ready will be exalted.

 Many people have a sense of a golden light which is pulsating in huge waves of energy pouring continuously from the bowels of the Earth and diffused throughout creation and its people.
It has surrounded us.  It has infused in every cell and every being.
The earth vibrates in a continuous transformation earthquake. She is in turmoil and we likewise. It may not seem that light, you may do not feel it, but certainly you’ve notice what is happening around us, in Greece, Europe and worldwide. Everything is in a transformation process, and everything changes, passing all stages of an illness that is the beginning of our great therapy.
This Light accepts and loves everything, but is also able to flatten and eliminate everything.  Its density brings the complete transformation for those who consciously allow it to enter them. 

Now we cannot do otherwise than to show a clear stance either going right or going left. 
Many think that there is a middle way, but no there is not. 
The flows are demanding and leveling.
From this situation arise and the hardening of today, for instance ISIS, Financially memoranda, Cancer, etc...  ISIS is the byproduct of a widespread erroneous policy that uses terrorism to achieve peace with the world drowning in tears and blood. One could say that is a result of an extremist fundamentalism that nurtured with the most amoral way ... ISIS is the darkness and the shadow of the West. Who are them who should be treated first in order the world to be found in real peace one day.  Financial control is the most effective mental abuse and enslavement that imposed so far in the West. People learned to choose activities that require money and thus depend on them enormously. Few are those who can and choose to live alternatively.
And as regards to cancer that is the scourge of the century, do not be surprised that I rank him on hardenings. The auto-immune diseases have as a basic principle of action to turn the body's cells to attack the healthy cells, in some way, and then the system  does not recognize itself. In short we call it, self-destruction. Our body and vital organs work ceaselessly 24 hours, it is a system of superior intelligence and dynamic. So what drives a body suddenly to self-destruction? Maybe there was not really "health" in there, even if you had physicall health, it seems that had tottally silenced the voice of your soul. The confct between the voice of the heart and the voice of the head, at the end leaded to Carcinoma. 

  When is about a transformation to happen, you will see huge hardening to take place.. If you can see the toughness that a man has in him, that might make it easier to understand  the “hardness” that exist within a family system, then you can clearly realize how big is  the resistance for a universal transformation.
But world peace, joy, abundance and prosperity are possible, but it requires each individual to walk all the way through a road of dissolution  his own shell of hardness.  And this cannot be done if we do not restore peace within useps . We nees to take courageous steps  to create o fututre of love. And if we are given roads, options, opportunities, let's see what suits us better and let ourselves walk them. This is the only way to bring true salvation and true freedom.
Let each of us work for it with all our will and strength, invest in our own light,  to reveal our own personal light. It is the only way to bring a fundamental change to the community and our fellowmen.
With love,


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